Friday, March 12, 2010

Be a Leader, Not a Follower

There are some things in life that I'll never understand. I'll never understand why people do the things they do. I'll never understand why I do the things I do. For example, why am I writing this blog?!? I don't like reading other people's blogs, so why would other people want to read my blog?

I'm hoping with this blog that I can share the powerful effect that running has had on my life. Running gives me a sense of accomplishment; it gives me freedom; and it gives me an unbelievable physical and emotional high. In a sense, running is a drug for me. A really good drug. One that I'm willing to share. One that I want to share.

Although I only recently became a runner, I've been an athlete my entire life. One of the things my coaches always beat into my head was the importance of being a leader, not a follower. Yet, here I am starting a blog...just like every single other person on the planet. Sounds like I'm becoming a follower. But maybe, just maybe, I'll find that blogging, like running, is something I'll grow to love. After all, just over a year ago, I couldn't understand why anyone would want to run a 5k, let alone a marathon. Now, at least that's one thing in life that I do understand.

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